The Nittany Lion looks out from a 

Central Pennsylvania doubly terminated quartz crystal.  Artwork © John Passaneau.
Nittany Mineralogical Society, Inc.
State College, Pennsylvania

Past Programs

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(October 1993 Symposium: Friends of Mineralogy - Pa. Chapter) (1st)
February 1994 How Do Diamonds Form? Dr. David P. (Duff) Gold
March 1994 Ghost Mines and Mining Camps of the Old West Dr. Frank Aplan
April 1994 Gems: Science, Synthesis, Beauty and Deception Dr. Kurt Nassau
September 1994 Museum Open-House
October 1994 Mineral Deposits of Cripple Creek, Colorado Dr. C. R. Carnein
November 1994 The Fossil Plants of Pennsylvania Dr. Alfred Traverse
December 1994 no meeting
January 1995 The Trilobites of Pennsylvania John Coolidge
February 1995 Micromounting: Mineral Collecting Under the Microscope John Passaneau
March 1995 Minerals in Caves Dr. William B. White
April 1995 Open Demo Night for Mineral Photographs
May 1995 Uranium Mineralogy Dr. Deane Smith
June 10 Junior Education Day (1st)
September1995 Michigan Copper Country Marc L. Wilson
October 1995 Eastern Russia: A Mineral Collector in Siberia Mikel Sheasley
November 1995 Early Pennsylvania Mineral Collecting: Copper Before Michigan Jay Lininger
December 1995 Copper mining videos (original program snowed out)
January 1996 Meteorite Craters and Impact Structures Dr. David P. (Duff) Gold
January 13 Museum Volunteer Day
February 1996 Fossil Insects Dr. Bruce McPheron
March 1996 A Priceless Hole in the Ground: The Sterling Hill Mine Richard Hauck
April 1996 The Educational Value of Mineral Models: Twinning in Feldspars Dr. Stephen Kirsch
May 1996 Those Fabulous Fakes Wolfgang Vogt
June 1996 Selected American Fossil Localities Dr. Charles Miller, Jr.
June 1 Junior Education Day (2nd)
August 1996 no program, prepare for Symposium
September 1996 Open-House Reception
Sept 27-29 Centennial Mineral Symposium: Carbonate Mineralogy (2nd)
October 1996 Fluorescent Minerals Dave Snell
November 1996 Mining Art and Mineral Art Dr. Andrew Sicree
December 1996 Faceting: Principles and Practice Dr. Deane Smith
January 1997 Photographing Micro-Minerals John Passaneau
February 1997 Collecting Meteorites in Antarctica Dr. William Cassidy
March 1997 A Visit to Historic Western Mining Camps Dr. Frank Aplan
April 1997 Those Fantastic Colorado Rhodochrosites Dr. Robert Witkowski
May 1997 Ice-Age Fossils from Frankstown, Pennsylvania Dr. Shirley Fonda
May 10 Junior Education Day (3rd)
August 1997 Wine & Cheese Social and "Open-Mike" Night
September 1997 Russia II: Collecting in the Polar and Middle Urals Mikel Sheasley
Sept 19-21 Symposium: Lead, Zinc and Iron Minerals (3rd)
October 1997 Coal: Macerals and Minerals David Glick
November 1997 Color and Fading in Minerals & Gems Dr. Kurt Nassau
December 1997 An Update on the Saltillo Mastodon Dr. S. Fonda,
D. Atkinson,
Dr. David P. (Duff) Gold,
A. Sicree
January 1998 Jeeping the Ghost Mines of Colorado's High Country Dr. Frank Aplan
February 1998 Diamonds: Formation and Lore Dr. David P. (Duff) Gold
March 1998 Survey of Stone Quarries in Pennsylvania Samuel W. Berkheiser
April 1998 Petrified Wood: Collecting in Utah's Morrison Formation Dr. Charles Miller, Jr.
May 1998 Connecticut Geology and Minerals Robert J. Altamura
August 1998 Gold in Pennsylvania Jeri Jones
September 1998 Minerals Identification Night
October 1998 Iron-Making and Iron-Mining at Greenwood Furnace Paul Fagley
October 10 Junior Education Day (4th)
November 1998 The Truth About Agates Dr. Peter Heaney
December 1998 Are Birds Really Dinosaurs? Dr. Pat Shipman
January 1999 Dinosaur Travel in Mongolia: The Flaming Cliffs Dr. Roger Cuffey
February 1999 Diamonds: An Overview of Their Origins and Lore Dr. Andrew Sicree
March 1999 Bits & Pieces: The Search for the Pennsylvania Charcoal Iron Industry Dr. Paul Heberling
April 1999 Jasper: The Archaeology and Materials Science of Its Use in the Nittany Valley Dr. Barry Scheetz
May 1999 no program - prepare for Symposium
May 21-23 Symposium: Gems and Precious Metals (4th)
August 1999 Curating the Private Mineral Collection John Passaneau
September 1999 Inclusions in Minerals Dr. Andrew Sicree
October 1999 Journey to the Centre of the Planet Mars Dr. Earl Graham
October 9 Junior Education Day (5th)
November 1999 Lime and Lapis: Minerals in the Medieval Artist's Palette Master John the Artificer
and Master Brendan Brisbane
(John Rose and
Robert Rich)
December 1999 Christmastime Mineral Sale Joe and Jeanne Dague
January 2000 Collecting Minerals in Southeastern Australia Mikel and Sandra Sheasley
February 2000 The Iron Industry in Central Pennsylvania Dr. Gerald C. Eggert
March 2000 Pennsylvania Needs Stone Quarries Fred Meckley
April 2000 Appraising Gems Karen Bonnano DeHaas
May 2000 no program - prepare for Fluorescence Symposium
May 19-21, 2000: Symposium: Fluorescence, Color and Light in Minerals (5th)
August 2000 Mining Videos on the Big Screen
September 2000 Geology and Geode Collecting in Southern Indiana Jeff Smith
October 2000 Geological Disasters Dr. Charles Miller, Jr.
October 14 Junior Education Day (6th)
November 2000 A Century Past: The Denver, South Park and Pacific Railroad and Its Alpine Tunnel Dr. Frank Aplan
December 2000 Christmastime Mineral Sale Joe and Jeanne Dague
January 2001 Anionic Clays for a Safe Environment Dr. Sridhar Komarneni
February 2001 Structure, Composition and Occurrence of Zeolites Dr. David Vaughan
March 2001 How Triceratops Lived Dr. Peter Dodson
April 2001 Opening Geodes! Jeff Smith
May 2001 Show and Tell by the members, for the members
August 2001 A World of Stone: Kohlhepp Stone Center Dan Simons and
Andy Kohlhepp
September 2001 Pegmatites Dr. David Eggler
October 2001 no program - prepare for Pegmatite Symposium
Oct. 12-13-14, 2001 Symposium: Pegmatites (6th)
November 2001 Getting Around in the Tertiary Dr. Mary Dawson
November 10 Junior Education Day (7th)
December 2001 Holiday Mineral Show and Sale Joe and Jeanne Dague
January 2002 Galena Transistors Dr. Heinz Henisch
February 2002 Dinosaur Trackways in Colorado Dr. Charles Miller, Jr.
March 2002 Opening Geodes! Jeff Smith
April 2002 The Hunt for North American Diamonds Kevin Krajick
May 2002 Show and Tell by the members, for the members
August 2002 no program - prepare for Symposium
August 23-24-25, 2002 Symposium: Mineralogy and Geology of the Franklin and Sterling Hill Mineral Deposits in New Jersey (7th)
September 2002 Welcome Back members
October 2002 Carbonatites: Strange Rocks and Minerals from the Earth's Mantle Dr. David P. (Duff) Gold
November 2002 Quecreek Mine flood and rescue Mr. Joseph Sbaffoni
November 16 Junior Education Day (8th)
December 2002 Holiday Mineral Show and Sale Joe and Jeanne Dague
January 2003 Magical Mineral Properties John Passaneau and
Dr. Andrew Sicree
February 2003 Art in Stone from Ancient Egypt and its Preservation Dr. Elizabeth J. Walters
March 2003 Geodes! Jeff Smith
April 2003 Structure and Composition of Tiger's-EyeDr. Peter J. Heaney
May 2003 Show and Tell members
August 2003 Drilling and Logging Directional Oil WellsAdam Weaver
September 2003 Geology and Minerals of Connecticut
& Middletown Rare-Metal Pegmatite District
Dr. Robert J. Altamura
October 2003 An Introduction to Inclusions in Minerals and Gems Dr. Andrew Sicree
November 2003 Meteorites, Asteroids and Impact Craters Dr. Andrew Sicree and
Dr. David P. (Duff) Gold
December 2003 Holiday Mineral Show and Sale Joe and Jeanne Dague
January 2004 Celebrating our Tenth Anniversary David Glick and
the members
February 2004 Eocene Biodiversity at the End of the World:
A Journey to Ancient and Modern Patagonia
Dr. Peter Wilf
March 2004 Geodes! Jeff Smith
April 2004 A Review of Prehistoric Life from Precambrian to Recent
(with emphasis on Pennsylvania)
Dr. Robert J. Altamura
May 8 Junior Education Day (9th)
May 2004 Charles Wheatley's mines and minerals Jay Lininger
June 11-12-13, 2004 Symposium: Minerals of Pennsylvania (8th)
August 2004 Picnic meeting John Passaneau
September 2004 The Future of the Earth and Mineral Science Museum at Penn State Dr. Russell Graham
October 2004 Skytop Uncovered: Revealing Complex Geological Conditions and Events Dr. Andrew Sicree and
Dr. David P. (Duff) Gold
November 2004 Show and Tell members
December 2004 Holiday Mineral Show and Sale Joe and Jeanne Dague
January 2005 A "Real" Ice Mine: Exploring an Antarctic Glacier Dr. Bob Carnein
February 2005 Fracture Control of Hydrothermal Mineral Localities in Western Connecticut Dr. Robert J. Altanura
March 2005 Geodes of Las Choyas: A Family Field Trip to A World Famous Geode Mine Jeff Smith
April 2 Junior Education Day (10th)
April 2005 Diamonds: Not Only a Girl's Best FriendDr. Peter Deines
May 2005 Minerals of Cornwall, Pa. Bryon Brookmyer (videotape)
August 2005 Picnic meeting John Passaneau
September 2005 Show and Tell members
October 2005 What's New in Minerals and Localities 2004 Jeff Scovil (videotape)
November 2005 Holiday Mineral Show and Sale Joe and Jeanne Dague,
Bernie Pisarchick
December 2005 Introduction to Lapidary with a Live Cabochon-Making Demonstration Dr. Robert J. Altamura
January 2006 Micromounting Demonstration John Passaneau
February 2006 Montana Agates Mark Ralston
March 2006 Geodes and Geodized Fossils from Heltonville, Indiana Jeff Smith
April 1 Junior Education Day (11th)
April 2006 Landscape taphonomy of latest Eocene Vertebrate Deposits in eastern ColoradoDr. Russell W. Graham
May 2006 Geology and Mineralogy of the Cripple Creek District, Teller County, Colorado Dr. Bob Carnein
August 5 Picnic John Passaneau
August 2006 Show and Tell members
August 26-27 1st Annual Nittany Gem & Mineral Show
September 2006 An Outline of the Geology and Mineralogy of PA
with a Special Focus on Central PA
Dr. Robert Altamura
October 2006 Hands-on Digital Photography of Mineral and Lapidary SpecimensDaniel Bontempo and
John Passaneau
November 2006 Fluorescent Minerals in PennsylvaniaDavid Glick
December 2006 Holiday Mineral Sale and Social4 sellers
January 2007 Feathered Dinosaurs and the Evolution of Birds Dr. Russell Graham
February 2007 Explorations of Blue Diamonds Dr. Peter Heaney
March 2007 Geode Night, with an Update on Geodes of Las Choyas Jeff Smith
March 31 Junior Education Day (12th)
April 2007 Rockhounds: The Movievideo
May 2007 Origin and Composition of Jasper Dr. Barry Scheetz
June 30- July 1 2nd Annual Nittany Gem & Mineral Show
August 2007 Show and Tell members
August 18 Picnic John Passaneau
September 2007 The Iron Ores of Greenwood FurnacePaul T. Fagley
October 2007 Ultraviolet Light and the Fluorescence of MineralsJohn Passaneau
November 2007 Diamonds in the Northeast: Are There More to be Discovered?Dr. Arnold Doden
December 2007 Holiday Mineral Sale and Social3 sellers
January 2008 Active Volcanoes of Costa Rica Dr. Robert Altamura
February 2008 Some Odd Mineral Occurrences in Central Chile Dr. Ryan Mathur
March 2008 Geode Night, with an Update on Geode Mining at Las Choyas, Mexico Jeff Smith
April 2008 Upper Paleolithic Caves and the Artists that Used ThemDr. Dean Snow
April 5 Junior Education Day (13th)
May 2008 Minerals on Postage Stamps Frank Kowalczyk
June 28 - 29 3rd Annual Nittany Gem & Mineral Show
August 2008 Show and Tell members
September 2008 The last 600 million years of central Pennsylvania history, or,
Why do we have all these sandstones and mudrocks?
Paul Zell
October 2008 Fluid-filled Bubbles in Minerals: Trapped Mineralizing Solutions Dr. Robert Altamura
November 2008 Great Steps in the History of Life: Late Devonian Vertebrate Fossils from Pennsylvania and Beyond Dr. Ted Daeschler
December 2008 Holiday Sale and Social
January 2009 Weird and Wonderful Properties of Minerals
    also 15 minutes on 15 years of NMS
Dr. Andrew Sicree
    David Glick
February 2009 The Marcellus Shale and its potential as a significant natural gas source Dr. Terry Engelder
March 2009 Geode Night, with an Update on Geodes of Las Choyas, Mexico Jeff Smith
March 28 Junior Education Day (14th)
April 2009 Coal Mine FiresDr. Dan Vice
May 2009 "What's New in Minerals 2008" video by Jeff Scovil
June 27 - 28 4th Annual Nittany Gem & Mineral Show
August 2009 The Geology and Early History of Petroleum in PennsylvaniaDr. John A. Harper
September 2009 Our Annual Show and TellNMS members
October 2009 The Aswan Obelisk Quarry, Aswan, EgyptDr. Shelton Alexander
November 2009 Holiday Sale and Social3 sellers
December 2009 An Overview of the Marcellus Shale Gas Resource Play in PennsylvaniaEric von Lunen
January 2010 LiDAR Imagery and the PAMAP Program Dr. Arnold Doden
February 2010 The Working Life of a Retired GeologistDr. David P. (Duff) Gold
March 2010 Geode Night, with an Update on Geodes of Las Choyas, Mexico Jeff Smith
April 10 Junior Education Day (15th)
April 2010 Color in TourmalineBruce Fry
May 2010 A Collector’s View of Quartz Morphologies John Passaneau
June Nittany Gem & Mineral Show was cancelled
August 2010 Show and TellNMS members
September 2010 The 2010 Eruption of Eyjafjallajokull Volcano, IcelandDr. Peter La Femina and Halldor Geirsson
October 2010 Mine Drainage Sediments as a Resource Dr. Carl S. Kirby
November 2010 Scotia - Lost in History Bob Hazelton
December 2010 Holiday Sale and Social4 sellers
January 2011 A Photo Tour of the National Mining Museum moreDavid Glick
February 2011 Total Gas Shale Potential of the Appalachian Basin moreDr. Terry Engelder
March 2011 Geode Night, with a Presentation on Mexican Geodes flyerJeff Smith
April 2 Junior Education Day (16th)
April 2011 On the Trek toward the Tricorder: Portable X-ray Fluorescence Analysis flyerNichole Wonderling and Dr. Andrew Sicree
May 2011 Geological and Geophysical Aspects of Siting and Safety of Nuclear Power Plants flyerDr. Shelton Alexander
August 2011 Show, Tell and Share flyerNMS members & guests
September 2011 The Rupp Quarry - A geologic detective story in State College, PA flyerDr. Charles E. Miller, Jr.
October 2011 Cave Minerals as Paleoclimate Archives flyerDr. William B. White
November 2011 Insights on the Pebble Creek Nickel Deposit, Alaska, and the Grasberg Gold Deposit, Indonesia Dr. Ryan Mathur
December 2011 Holiday Socialdinner at Hoss's
January 2012 Kimberlites and Lamproites: Windows to the Upper Mantle flyerDr. David P. (Duff) Gold
February 2012 Coal and Coal Mining flyerDr. Charles E. Miller, Jr.
March 2012 Geode Night, with a Presentation on Mexican Geodes flyerJeff Smith
March 31 Junior Education Day (17th)
April 2012 The Interstate 99 Project from a Science Education Perspective flyerDr. Daniel E. Snowden
May 2012 Geologic and Mining History of Serpentinites in Pennsylvania and Maryland flyerStephen Shank
August 2012 Show and Tell flyerNMS members and guests
September 2012 Roadside Geology Part 1: Pennsylvania flyerDr. Charles E. Miller, Jr.
October 2012 Seventeen Years of Eruption on Montserrat flyerDr. Barry Voight
November 2012 Roadside Geology Part 2: Pennsylvania and beyond flyerDr. Charles E. Miller, Jr.
December 2012 Holiday Dinner dinner at Hoss's
January 2013 The Mystery of the Audible Earthquakes near Moodus, Connecticut, along the Eastford Fault and Lineament flyerDr. Robert Altamura
February 2013 Are the Exotic Minerals in Cabonatites Evidence for Upper Mantle Pegmatite Analogues? flyerDr. David P. (Duff) Gold
March 2013 Geode Night flyerJeff Smith
April 6 Junior Education Day (18th)
April 2013 Occurrence of tosudite and associated sulfide minerals in the Anthracite Fields of Pennsylvania flyerWilliam E. Kochanov, P.G.
May 2013 Minerals Behind the Scenes at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University flyerDavid Glick
August 2013 Show and Tell NMS members and guests
September 2013 Cave Minerals 2: The Weird Stuff Dr. William B. White
October 2013 Fossils of the Eocene Green River Formation Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr.
November 2013 Interesting Geology in Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr.
December 2013 Holiday Potluck Dinner hosted by the Binghams
January 2014 Celebrating the Twenty-Year History of Nittany Mineralogical Society David Glick
February 2014 Diamonds (20 Year Anniversary program)Dr. David P. (Duff) Gold
March 2014 Geode Night flyerJeff Smith
April 5 Junior Education Day (19th)
April 2014 Rock Spheres: Discovery CubedJim Garthe
May 2014 Chert, the popular variety of silicon dioxideDr. David P. (Duff) Gold
August 2014 Geology from the Air Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr.
September 2014 Show and Tell Dr. Barry Scheetz
October 2014 Charles R. Knight - Art and Geology Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr. and Rhoda Knight Kalt
November 2014 The WAIS Ice Core Divide Project; Mineralogy and Physical Properties of Ice Donald Voigt
December 2014 Holiday Dinner dinner at Hoss's
January 2015 Rare and Unusual Minerals Associated with Coal Mine Fires Dr. Barry Scheetz
February 2015 Interesting mineral occurrences in China Dr. Ryan Mathur
March 2015 Titanian Minerals Tell Time and Temperature Dr. Maureen Feineman
April 11 Junior Education Day (20th)
April 2015 Environmental Hazards of WWII Anthracite Coal Mining Dr. Barry Scheetz
May 2015 A Study of Ilmenites from Tanoma Kimberlite: An assessment of Diamond-Bearing PotentialPatrick Cassidy
August 2015 Annual Show and Tell NMS members and guests
September 2015 Quarries and open pits - windows into Earth Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr.
October 2015 Sourcing of Archaeological Lithics Dr. Barry Scheetz
November 2015 Prevention of acid drainage at coal surface mines and highway construction projects through alkaline addition: Lessons learned from Central Pennsylvania Michael Smith
December 2015 Holiday Dinner dinner at Hoss's
January 2016 Landscapes and Geology of Pennsylvania Dr. Robert Altamura
February 2016 A Geological Tour of Hawaii Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr.
March 2016 Preliminary characterization of residual deposits on Joseph Priestley's laboratory apparatus Dr. Barry Scheetz
April 9 Junior Education Day (21st)
April 2016 How Drinking-Water Quality is Effectively Protected in the Spring Creek Watershed Todd Giddings, Ph.D., P.G.
May 2016 Local Clay Deposits Roger Pollok
August 2016 Annual Show and Tell NMS members and guests
September 2016 Fluorite: The Fourth Mineral Andrew Sicree /
Arvid Pasto
October 2016 A Geological Tour of California – Los Angeles to San Francisco Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr.
November 2016 The Rogue Kimberlite Dikes in Indiana County, Pennsylvania Dr. David P. (Duff) Gold and others
December 2016 Holiday Dinner dinner at Quaker Steak & Lube
January 2017 Establishing the Foundation for Rhyolite Sourcing of Native American Artifacts Dr. Barry E. Scheetz, Dr. Tim Murtha and Gregory H. Bondar
February 2017 "Where's the Lead?" at Fort Roberdeau George Pedlow
March 2017 Most everything you wanted to know about The Rancho La Brea Tar Pits and George C. Page Museum, Los Angeles, CaliforniaDr. Charles E. Miller, Jr.
April 1 Junior Education Day (22nd)
April 2017 Applications of Mineralogy to Archaeology: Part IV. Visions of the Past Dr. Barry E. Scheetz, Zachary Nelson, Guillermo Mata Amado and Antonio Prado
May 2017 The Curiosity Rover at Gale Crater, insights from a New Member of the Mars Science Laboratory MissionDr. Christopher House
August 2017 Annual Show and Tell NMS members and guests
September 2017 Nicholas Steno, founder of Mineralogy Dr. Andrew Sicree
October 2017 From the Drake Well to the Marcellus Shale: A Story of Science and Technology Mike Canich
November 2017 Iceland: A Geological Tour Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr.
December 2017 Holiday Dinner dinner at Quaker Steak & Lube
January 2018 Selected Topics in mineral and fossil collecting Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr.
February 2018 A Historical Perspective of X-ray Techniques for Quantitative (and Qualitative) Analysis and the Foundations of Electron MicroscopyDr. Katherine L. Crispin
March 2018 The Iron Ores of Kish ValleyPaul T. Fagley
April 7 Junior Education Day (23rd)
April 2018 Space Debris, Part 1: Rock Samples from SpaceFred Marschak
May 2018 Space Debris, Part 2: Asteroids and Comets: Dark ThreatsDr. David P. (Duff) Gold
August 2018 Annual Show and Tell NMS members and guests
September 2018 The 1974 Penn State Cross-Country Geology Field TripDr. Charles E. Miller, Jr.
October 2018 Serpentinites and Associated Minerals on the Eastern Flank of the Berkshire Massif near Westfield, Massachusetts Dr. Robert Altamura
November 2018 Geology, scenery and natural history of New Zealand Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr.
December 2018 Holiday Dinner dinner at Quaker Steak & Lube
January 2019 Fluorescent Minerals of Pennsylvania James Van Fleet
February 2019 meeting cancelled due to snowstorm
March 2019 Rock-magnetic cyclostratigraphy and the encoding of global environmental change in sediments: Examples and applications from the Newark Basin, the Calvert Cliffs, and the Italian Apennines Dr. Frank J. Pazzaglia
March 30 Minerals Junior Education Day (24th)
April 2019 Mineral Fluorescence: From Whence Comes the Light? Dr. William B. White
May 2019 A Quarter-Century of Nittany Mineralogical SocietyDavid Glick
August 2019 Annual Show and Tell NMS members and guests
September 2019 Central Pennsylvania during and following the Pleistocene Ice AgeDr. Charles E. Miller, Jr.
October 2019 National Fossil Day™ program: Fossils in Central Pennsylvania and the World – What they are and how we use them Paul D. Zell
November 2019 NASA Curiousity Rover... Seven Years of Exploration of an Ancient Martian LakeDr. Christopher H. House
December 2019 Holiday Dinner dinner at Quaker Steak & Lube
January 2020 Marcellus Shale Gas Well Drilling and Wellsite Geology Steve Clark, P.G.
February 2020 Geology of the State College area Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr.
March 2020 meeting cancelled due to COVID-19
March Minerals Junior Education Day cancelled -COVID-19
April 2020 meeting cancelled due to COVID-19
May 2020 Fluorite, the Fourth Mineral (online video)Dr. Andrew Sicree
summer 2020 Nicolaus Steno, the most important scientist you've never heard of (the father of mineralogy, crystallography, geology, and paleontology) (online video)Dr. Andrew Sicree
August 2020 Annual Show and Tell (online)NMS members and guests
September 2020 Bumblebee Rock (trade name: “Bumblebee Jasper”): A relatively trendy lapidary material (online) Dr. Bob Altamura
October 2020 Earth Science can be fun (online)Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr.
November 2020 Making the Case for Celestine as the Pennsylvania State Mineral (online)Dr. Peter J. Heaney
December 2020 Spherical Structures In Rhyolite (online) Daniel Bontempo
January 2021 Dinosaurs of Pennsylvania: What we know about them and their neighbors (online) Dr. Steven E. Jasinski
February 2021 Caves and Karst: The Crossroads of the Geosciences (online) Dr. George Veni
March 2021 Gembone: Gem Dinosaur Bone (online)Daniel Bontempo
April 2021 Start to Finish: The Process of Mining to Selling New Mexico Thundereggs (online)Lori Lytle Coleman
May 2021 Evolution of a Fossil – Arthrophycus alleghaniensis:
The story of the Jointed Seaweed (online)
Paul Fagley
August 2021 Annual Show and Tell (online)NMS members and guests
September 2021 Iris Agates and Cantor Dusts: The Textural Complexity of Agates (online)Dr. Peter J. Heaney
October 2021 A History of the New Jersey Zinc Operations in the Palmerton Area Dru Germanoski, PhD, PG
November 2021 Tuxedo Agate & Fischer Stones: A nod to George W. Fischer Daniel Bontempo
December 2021 Holiday Dinner dinner at Quaker Steak & Lube
January 2022 The Seven Metals of Antiquity That Forged the Modern World (online) Paul Fagley
February 2022 Applied Paleontology (online) Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr.
March 2022 Geode Night Jeff Smith
April 2022 Landscapes and Geology of Pennsylvania: A Portrait of the Commonwealth (online)Dr. Robert Altamura
May 2022 Pennsylvania Caves: A Geological Overview (online)Dr. William B. White
August 2022 Annual Show and Tell (online)NMS members and guests
September 2022 Flintknapping 101 (online)Ken Burton
October 2022The 1975 Volcanics Cross-Country Geology Field TripDr. Charles E. Miller, Jr.
November 2022Magnetism and Minerals Dr. Andrew Sicree
December 2022 Holiday Dinner dinner at Quaker Steak & Lube
January 2023 Organic Molecules on Mars - Recent Progress on an Old Problem Dr. Christopher House
February 2023 A Modernized Stratigraphic Framework: Revising and Reconciling Stratigraphy Across Pennsylvania (online) Hailey Filippeli
March 2023 Geode Night (online)Jeff Smith
March 25 Minerals Junior Education Day (25th)
April 2023 How to study an Asteroid: Penn State's role in NASA's OSIRIS-REx Mission (online)Dr. Kate Freeman
May 2023 Diamonds - the four Cs of diamond grading -and-
A new mineral museum
Dr. Andrew Sicree
August 2023 Annual Show and Tell (online)NMS members and guests
September 2023Life in the Cambrian: What controlled diversity in earth's earliest complex ecosystems? Kayla Irizarry, Mark Patzkowsky, and Kimberly Lau
October 2023Geology Field Excursions in Central PennsylvaniaDr. Charles E. Miller, Jr.
November 2023Applying Non-traditional stable isotopes to traditional Geological Problems (online) Adam Ianno
December 2023 Holiday Dinner dinner at Quaker Steak & Lube
January 2024 Celebrating 30 Years of Nittany Mineralogical Society History (online) David Glick and NMS members
February 2024 Coast to Coast: A 100 day Adventure (online) Mike Canich
March 2024 Geode Night Jeff Smith
March 23 Minerals Junior Education Day (26th)
April 2024 A Geologist's Trip to Antarctica (online)Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr.
May 2024Pennsylvania Iron Slag: From Trash to (Potential) TreasureDr. Maureen Feineman, Dr. Isabel Fendley, and Dr. Joshua Garber
August 2024 Annual Show and Tell NMS members and visitors
September 2024The Colorado Plateau and "The Grand Staircase" Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr.
October 2024Incognitum, Mastodon, Frankenstein! The rocky relationship between science and the American MastodonDr. Chris Widga
November 2024Reconsidering the Ordovician, Ancient Landscapes, and the Elusively Enigmatic Juniata Formation in Central Pennsylvania Dr. Jesse D. Thornburg
December 2024 Holiday Dinner dinner at Quaker Steak & Lube

©2025 Nittany Mineralogical Society, Inc.          Page last modified 13 January 2025          webmaster