| | |
(October 1993 | Symposium: Friends of
Mineralogy - Pa. Chapter) (1st)
| |
| | |
February 1994 | How Do Diamonds Form? | Dr. David P. (Duff) Gold |
March 1994 | Ghost Mines and Mining Camps of the Old West |
Dr. Frank Aplan |
April 1994 | Gems: Science, Synthesis, Beauty and Deception |
Dr. Kurt Nassau |
September 1994 | Museum Open-House |
October 1994 | Mineral Deposits of Cripple Creek, Colorado |
Dr. C. R. Carnein |
November 1994 | The Fossil Plants of Pennsylvania | Dr. Alfred
Traverse |
December 1994 | no meeting | |
| | |
January 1995 | The Trilobites of Pennsylvania | John
Coolidge |
February 1995 | Micromounting: Mineral Collecting Under the Microscope
| John Passaneau |
March 1995 | Minerals in Caves | Dr. William B.
White |
April 1995 | Open Demo Night for Mineral Photographs |
May 1995 | Uranium Mineralogy | Dr. Deane Smith |
June 10 | Junior Education Day (1st) | |
September1995 | Michigan Copper Country | Marc L.
Wilson |
October 1995 | Eastern Russia: A Mineral Collector in Siberia |
Mikel Sheasley |
November 1995 | Early Pennsylvania Mineral Collecting: Copper Before
Michigan | Jay Lininger |
December 1995 | Copper mining videos (original program snowed
out) | |
| | |
January 1996 | Meteorite Craters and Impact Structures | Dr. David P. (Duff) Gold |
January 13 | Museum Volunteer Day | |
February 1996 | Fossil Insects | Dr. Bruce McPheron |
March 1996 | A Priceless Hole in the Ground: The Sterling Hill Mine
| Richard Hauck |
April 1996 | The Educational Value of Mineral Models: Twinning in
Feldspars | Dr. Stephen Kirsch |
May 1996 | Those Fabulous Fakes | Wolfgang Vogt |
June 1996 | Selected American Fossil Localities | Dr. Charles
Miller, Jr. |
June 1 | Junior Education Day (2nd) | |
August 1996 | no program, prepare for Symposium | |
September 1996 | Open-House Reception | |
Sept 27-29 | Centennial Mineral Symposium: Carbonate Mineralogy
(2nd) | |
October 1996 | Fluorescent Minerals | Dave Snell |
November 1996 | Mining Art and Mineral Art | Dr. Andrew Sicree
December 1996 | Faceting: Principles and Practice | Dr. Deane
Smith |
| | |
January 1997 | Photographing Micro-Minerals | John
Passaneau |
February 1997 | Collecting Meteorites in Antarctica | Dr. William
Cassidy |
March 1997 | A Visit to Historic Western Mining Camps | Dr.
Aplan |
April 1997 | Those Fantastic Colorado Rhodochrosites | Dr.
Witkowski |
May 1997 | Ice-Age Fossils from Frankstown, Pennsylvania | Dr.
Shirley Fonda |
May 10 | Junior Education Day (3rd) | |
August 1997 | Wine & Cheese Social and "Open-Mike" Night |
September 1997 | Russia II: Collecting in the Polar and Middle Urals
| Mikel
Sheasley |
Sept 19-21 | Symposium: Lead, Zinc and
Iron Minerals (3rd) |
October 1997 | Coal: Macerals and Minerals | David
Glick |
November 1997 | Color and Fading in Minerals & Gems | Dr. Kurt
Nassau |
December 1997 | An Update on the Saltillo Mastodon | Dr. S.
D. Atkinson, Dr. David P. (Duff) Gold, A. Sicree |
| | |
January 1998 | Jeeping the Ghost Mines of Colorado's High Country
| Dr.
Frank Aplan |
February 1998 | Diamonds: Formation and Lore | Dr. David P. (Duff) Gold |
March 1998 | Survey of Stone Quarries in Pennsylvania | Samuel
Berkheiser |
April 1998 | Petrified Wood: Collecting in Utah's Morrison Formation
| Dr. Charles Miller, Jr. |
May 1998 | Connecticut Geology and Minerals | Robert J.
Altamura |
August 1998 | Gold in Pennsylvania | Jeri Jones |
September 1998 | Minerals Identification Night | |
October 1998 | Iron-Making and Iron-Mining at Greenwood Furnace
| Paul Fagley |
October 10 | Junior Education Day (4th) | |
November 1998 | The Truth About Agates | Dr. Peter Heaney
December 1998 | Are Birds Really Dinosaurs? | Dr. Pat
Shipman |
| | |
January 1999 | Dinosaur Travel in Mongolia: The Flaming Cliffs |
Dr. Roger Cuffey |
February 1999 | Diamonds: An Overview of Their Origins and Lore
| Dr. Andrew Sicree |
March 1999 | Bits & Pieces: The Search for the Pennsylvania Charcoal Iron
Industry | Dr. Paul Heberling |
April 1999 | Jasper: The Archaeology and Materials Science of Its Use in the
Nittany Valley | Dr. Barry Scheetz |
May 1999 | no program - prepare for Symposium | |
May 21-23 | Symposium: Gems and
Precious Metals (4th) |
August 1999 | Curating the Private Mineral Collection | John
Passaneau |
September 1999 | Inclusions in Minerals | Dr. Andrew
Sicree |
October 1999 | Journey to the Centre of the Planet Mars | Dr. Earl
Graham |
October 9 | Junior Education Day (5th) | |
November 1999 | Lime and Lapis: Minerals in the Medieval Artist's Palette
Master John the Artificer and Master Brendan Brisbane (John Rose and Robert
Rich) |
December 1999 | Christmastime Mineral Sale | Joe and Jeanne
Dague |
| | |
January 2000 | Collecting Minerals in Southeastern Australia |
and Sandra Sheasley |
February 2000 | The Iron Industry in Central Pennsylvania | Dr.
Gerald C. Eggert |
March 2000 | Pennsylvania Needs Stone Quarries | Fred
Meckley |
April 2000 | Appraising Gems | Karen Bonnano DeHaas |
May 2000 | no program - prepare for Fluorescence Symposium |
May 19-21, 2000: | Symposium:
Fluorescence, Color and Light in Minerals (5th) | |
August 2000 | Mining Videos on the Big Screen | |
September 2000 | Geology and Geode Collecting in Southern Indiana
| Jeff Smith |
October 2000 | Geological Disasters | Dr. Charles Miller,
Jr. |
October 14 | Junior Education Day (6th) | |
November 2000 | A Century Past: The Denver, South Park and Pacific
Railroad and Its Alpine Tunnel | Dr. Frank Aplan |
December 2000 | Christmastime Mineral Sale | Joe and Jeanne
Dague |
| | |
January 2001 | Anionic Clays for a Safe Environment | Dr. Sridhar
Komarneni |
February 2001 | Structure, Composition and Occurrence of Zeolites
| Dr. David Vaughan |
March 2001 | How Triceratops Lived | Dr. Peter
Dodson |
April 2001 | Opening Geodes! | Jeff Smith |
May 2001 | Show and Tell by the members, for the members |
August 2001 | A World of Stone: Kohlhepp Stone Center | Dan
Simons and Andy Kohlhepp |
September 2001 | Pegmatites | Dr. David Eggler |
October 2001 | no program - prepare for Pegmatite Symposium |
Oct. 12-13-14, 2001 | Symposium:
Pegmatites (6th) | |
November 2001 | Getting Around in the Tertiary | Dr. Mary
Dawson |
November 10 | Junior Education Day (7th) | |
December 2001 | Holiday Mineral Show and Sale | Joe and Jeanne
Dague |
| | |
January 2002 | Galena Transistors | Dr. Heinz Henisch |
February 2002 | Dinosaur Trackways in Colorado | Dr. Charles
Miller, Jr. |
March 2002 | Opening Geodes! | Jeff Smith |
April 2002 | The Hunt for North American Diamonds | Kevin
Krajick |
May 2002 | Show and Tell by the members, for the members |
August 2002 | no program - prepare for Symposium | |
August 23-24-25, 2002 | Symposium:
Mineralogy and Geology of the
Franklin and Sterling Hill Mineral Deposits in New Jersey (7th) | |
September 2002 | Welcome Back | members |
October 2002 | Carbonatites: Strange Rocks and Minerals from the Earth's
Mantle | Dr. David P. (Duff) Gold |
November 2002 | Quecreek Mine flood and rescue | Mr. Joseph
Sbaffoni |
November 16 | Junior Education Day (8th) | |
December 2002 | Holiday Mineral Show and Sale | Joe and Jeanne
Dague |
| | |
January 2003 | Magical Mineral Properties | John Passaneau and
Dr. Andrew Sicree |
February 2003 | Art in Stone from Ancient Egypt and its Preservation
| Dr. Elizabeth J. Walters |
March 2003 | Geodes! | Jeff Smith |
April 2003 | Structure and Composition of Tiger's-Eye | Dr. Peter J.
Heaney |
May 2003 | Show and Tell | members
August 2003 | Drilling and Logging Directional Oil Wells | Adam
Weaver |
September 2003 | Geology and Minerals of Connecticut & Middletown
Rare-Metal Pegmatite District | Dr. Robert J. Altamura |
October 2003 | An Introduction to Inclusions in Minerals and Gems
| Dr. Andrew Sicree |
November 2003 | Meteorites, Asteroids and Impact Craters | Dr.
Andrew Sicree and Dr. David P. (Duff) Gold |
December 2003 | Holiday Mineral Show and Sale | Joe and Jeanne
Dague |
| | |
January 2004 | Celebrating our Tenth Anniversary | David Glick and
the members |
February 2004 | Eocene Biodiversity at the End of the World: A Journey
to Ancient and Modern Patagonia | Dr. Peter Wilf |
March 2004 | Geodes! | Jeff Smith |
April 2004 | A Review of Prehistoric Life from Precambrian to
Recent (with emphasis on Pennsylvania) | Dr. Robert J. Altamura |
May 8 | Junior Education Day (9th) | |
May 2004 | Charles Wheatley's mines and minerals | Jay
Lininger |
June 11-12-13, 2004 | Symposium:
Minerals of Pennsylvania (8th) | |
August 2004 | Picnic meeting | John Passaneau |
September 2004 | The Future of the Earth and Mineral Science
Museum at Penn State | Dr. Russell Graham |
October 2004 | Skytop Uncovered: Revealing Complex Geological
Conditions and Events | Dr. Andrew Sicree and Dr. David P. (Duff) Gold |
November 2004 | Show and Tell | members |
December 2004 | Holiday Mineral Show and Sale | Joe and Jeanne
Dague |
| | |
January 2005 | A "Real" Ice Mine: Exploring an Antarctic Glacier |
Dr. Bob Carnein |
February 2005 | Fracture Control of Hydrothermal Mineral Localities in
Western Connecticut | Dr. Robert J. Altanura |
March 2005 | Geodes of Las Choyas: A Family Field Trip to
A World Famous Geode Mine | Jeff Smith |
April 2 | Junior Education Day (10th) | |
April 2005 | Diamonds: Not Only a Girl's Best Friend | Dr. Peter Deines |
May 2005 | Minerals of Cornwall, Pa. | Bryon Brookmyer
(videotape) |
August 2005 | Picnic meeting | John Passaneau |
September 2005 | Show and Tell | members |
October 2005 | What's New in Minerals and Localities 2004 | Jeff Scovil (videotape) |
November 2005 | Holiday Mineral Show and Sale | Joe and Jeanne Dague, Bernie Pisarchick |
December 2005 | Introduction to Lapidary with a Live Cabochon-Making
Demonstration | Dr. Robert J. Altamura |
| | |
January 2006 | Micromounting Demonstration |
John Passaneau |
February 2006 | Montana Agates | Mark Ralston |
March 2006 | Geodes and Geodized Fossils from Heltonville, Indiana
| Jeff Smith |
April 1 | Junior Education Day (11th) | |
April 2006 | Landscape taphonomy of latest Eocene Vertebrate Deposits in
eastern Colorado | Dr. Russell W. Graham |
May 2006 | Geology and Mineralogy of the Cripple Creek District, Teller
County, Colorado | Dr. Bob Carnein |
August 5 | Picnic | John Passaneau |
August 2006 | Show and Tell | members |
August 26-27 | 1st Annual Nittany Gem & Mineral Show | |
September 2006 | An Outline of the Geology and Mineralogy of PA with a
Special Focus on Central PA | Dr. Robert Altamura |
October 2006 | Hands-on Digital Photography of Mineral and Lapidary
Specimens | Daniel Bontempo and John Passaneau |
November 2006 | Fluorescent Minerals in Pennsylvania | David Glick |
December 2006 | Holiday Mineral Sale and Social | 4 sellers |
| | |
January 2007 | Feathered Dinosaurs and the Evolution of Birds |
Dr. Russell Graham |
February 2007 | Explorations of Blue Diamonds | Dr. Peter Heaney |
March 2007 | Geode Night, with an Update on Geodes of Las Choyas
| Jeff Smith |
March 31 | Junior Education Day (12th) | |
April 2007 | Rockhounds: The Movie | video |
May 2007 | Origin and Composition of Jasper | Dr. Barry Scheetz |
June 30- July 1 | 2nd Annual Nittany Gem & Mineral Show | |
August 2007 | Show and Tell | members |
August 18 | Picnic | John Passaneau |
September 2007 | The Iron Ores of Greenwood Furnace | Paul T. Fagley |
October 2007 | Ultraviolet Light and the Fluorescence of Minerals | John Passaneau |
November 2007 | Diamonds in the Northeast: Are There More to be Discovered? | Dr. Arnold Doden |
December 2007 | Holiday Mineral Sale and Social | 3 sellers |
| | |
January 2008 | Active Volcanoes of Costa Rica |
Dr. Robert Altamura |
February 2008 | Some Odd Mineral Occurrences in Central Chile | Dr. Ryan Mathur |
March 2008 | Geode Night, with an Update on Geode Mining at Las Choyas, Mexico
| Jeff Smith |
April 2008 | Upper Paleolithic Caves and the Artists that Used Them | Dr. Dean Snow |
April 5 | Junior Education Day (13th) | |
May 2008 | Minerals on Postage Stamps | Frank Kowalczyk |
June 28 - 29 | 3rd Annual Nittany Gem & Mineral Show | |
August 2008 | Show and Tell | members |
September 2008 | The last 600 million years of central Pennsylvania history, or, Why do we have all these sandstones and mudrocks? | Paul Zell |
October 2008 | Fluid-filled Bubbles in Minerals: Trapped Mineralizing Solutions | Dr. Robert Altamura |
November 2008 | Great Steps in the History of Life: Late Devonian Vertebrate Fossils from Pennsylvania and Beyond | Dr. Ted Daeschler |
December 2008 | Holiday Sale and Social | |
| | |
January 2009 | Weird and Wonderful Properties of Minerals
also 15 minutes on 15 years of NMS |
Dr. Andrew Sicree
David Glick |
February 2009 | The Marcellus Shale and its potential as a significant natural gas source
| Dr. Terry Engelder |
March 2009 | Geode Night, with an Update on Geodes of Las Choyas, Mexico
| Jeff Smith |
March 28 | Junior Education Day (14th) | |
April 2009 | Coal Mine Fires | Dr. Dan Vice |
May 2009 | "What's New in Minerals 2008" | video by Jeff Scovil |
June 27 - 28 | 4th Annual Nittany Gem & Mineral Show | |
August 2009 | The Geology and Early History of Petroleum in Pennsylvania | Dr. John A. Harper |
September 2009 | Our Annual Show and Tell | NMS members |
October 2009 | The Aswan Obelisk Quarry, Aswan, Egypt | Dr. Shelton Alexander |
November 2009 | Holiday Sale and Social | 3 sellers |
December 2009 | An Overview of the Marcellus Shale Gas Resource Play in Pennsylvania | Eric von Lunen |
| | |
January 2010 | LiDAR Imagery and the PAMAP Program | Dr. Arnold Doden |
February 2010 | The Working Life of a Retired Geologist | Dr. David P. (Duff) Gold |
March 2010 | Geode Night, with an Update on Geodes of Las Choyas, Mexico | Jeff Smith |
April 10 | Junior Education Day (15th) | |
April 2010 | Color in Tourmaline | Bruce Fry |
May 2010 | A Collector’s View of Quartz Morphologies | John Passaneau |
June | Nittany Gem & Mineral Show was cancelled | |
August 2010 | Show and Tell | NMS members |
September 2010 | The 2010 Eruption of Eyjafjallajokull Volcano, Iceland | Dr. Peter La Femina and
Halldor Geirsson |
October 2010 | Mine Drainage Sediments as a Resource | Dr. Carl S. Kirby |
November 2010 | Scotia - Lost in History | Bob Hazelton |
December 2010 | Holiday Sale and Social | 4 sellers |
| | |
January 2011 | A Photo Tour of the National Mining Museum more | David Glick |
February 2011 | Total Gas Shale Potential of the Appalachian Basin more | Dr. Terry Engelder |
March 2011 | Geode Night, with a Presentation on Mexican Geodes flyer | Jeff Smith |
April 2 | Junior Education Day (16th) | |
April 2011 | On the Trek toward the Tricorder: Portable X-ray Fluorescence Analysis flyer | Nichole Wonderling and Dr. Andrew Sicree |
May 2011 | Geological and Geophysical Aspects of Siting and Safety of Nuclear Power Plants flyer | Dr. Shelton Alexander |
August 2011 | Show, Tell and Share flyer | NMS members & guests |
September 2011 | The Rupp Quarry - A geologic detective story in State College, PA flyer | Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr. |
October 2011 | Cave Minerals as Paleoclimate Archives flyer | Dr. William B. White |
November 2011 | Insights on the Pebble Creek Nickel Deposit, Alaska,
and the Grasberg Gold Deposit, Indonesia | Dr. Ryan Mathur |
December 2011 | Holiday Social | dinner at Hoss's |
| | |
January 2012 | Kimberlites and Lamproites: Windows to the Upper Mantle flyer | Dr. David P. (Duff) Gold |
February 2012 | Coal and Coal Mining flyer | Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr. |
March 2012 | Geode Night, with a Presentation on Mexican Geodes flyer | Jeff Smith |
March 31 | Junior Education Day (17th) | |
April 2012 | The Interstate 99 Project from a Science Education Perspective flyer | Dr. Daniel E. Snowden |
May 2012 | Geologic and Mining History of Serpentinites in Pennsylvania and Maryland flyer | Stephen Shank |
August 2012 | Show and Tell flyer | NMS members and guests |
September 2012 | Roadside Geology Part 1: Pennsylvania flyer | Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr. |
October 2012 | Seventeen Years of Eruption on Montserrat flyer | Dr. Barry Voight |
November 2012 | Roadside Geology Part 2: Pennsylvania and beyond flyer | Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr. |
December 2012 | Holiday Dinner | dinner at Hoss's |
| | |
January 2013 | The Mystery of the Audible Earthquakes near Moodus, Connecticut, along the Eastford Fault and Lineament flyer | Dr. Robert Altamura |
February 2013 | Are the Exotic Minerals in Cabonatites Evidence for Upper Mantle Pegmatite Analogues? flyer | Dr. David P. (Duff) Gold |
March 2013 | Geode Night flyer | Jeff Smith |
April 6 | Junior Education Day (18th) | |
April 2013 | Occurrence of tosudite and associated sulfide minerals in the Anthracite Fields of Pennsylvania flyer | William E. Kochanov, P.G. |
May 2013 | Minerals Behind the Scenes at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University flyer | David Glick |
August 2013 | Show and Tell | NMS members and guests |
September 2013 | Cave Minerals 2: The Weird Stuff | Dr. William B. White |
October 2013 | Fossils of the Eocene Green River Formation | Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr. |
November 2013 | Interesting Geology in Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks | Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr. |
December 2013 | Holiday Potluck Dinner | hosted by the Binghams |
| | |
January 2014 | Celebrating the Twenty-Year History of Nittany Mineralogical Society | David Glick |
February 2014 | Diamonds (20 Year Anniversary program) | Dr. David P. (Duff) Gold |
March 2014 | Geode Night flyer | Jeff Smith |
April 5 | Junior Education Day (19th) | |
April 2014 | Rock Spheres: Discovery Cubed | Jim Garthe |
May 2014 | Chert, the popular variety of silicon dioxide | Dr. David P. (Duff) Gold |
August 2014 | Geology from the Air | Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr. |
September 2014 | Show and Tell | Dr. Barry Scheetz |
October 2014 | Charles R. Knight - Art and Geology | Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr. and Rhoda Knight Kalt |
November 2014 | The WAIS Ice Core Divide Project; Mineralogy and Physical Properties of Ice | Donald Voigt |
December 2014 | Holiday Dinner | dinner at Hoss's |
| | |
January 2015 | Rare and Unusual Minerals Associated with Coal Mine Fires | Dr. Barry Scheetz |
February 2015 | Interesting mineral occurrences in China | Dr. Ryan Mathur |
March 2015 | Titanian Minerals Tell Time and Temperature | Dr. Maureen Feineman |
April 11 | Junior Education Day (20th) | |
April 2015 | Environmental Hazards of WWII Anthracite Coal Mining | Dr. Barry Scheetz |
May 2015 | A Study of Ilmenites from Tanoma Kimberlite: An assessment of Diamond-Bearing Potential | Patrick Cassidy |
August 2015 | Annual Show and Tell | NMS members and guests |
September 2015 | Quarries and open pits - windows into Earth | Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr. |
October 2015 | Sourcing of Archaeological Lithics | Dr. Barry Scheetz |
November 2015 | Prevention of acid drainage at coal surface mines and highway construction projects through
alkaline addition: Lessons learned from Central Pennsylvania | Michael Smith |
December 2015 | Holiday Dinner | dinner at Hoss's |
| | |
January 2016 | Landscapes and Geology of Pennsylvania | Dr. Robert Altamura |
February 2016 | A Geological Tour of Hawaii | Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr. |
March 2016 | Preliminary characterization of residual deposits on Joseph Priestley's laboratory apparatus | Dr. Barry Scheetz |
April 9 | Junior Education Day (21st) | |
April 2016 | How Drinking-Water Quality is Effectively Protected in the Spring Creek Watershed | Todd Giddings, Ph.D., P.G. |
May 2016 | Local Clay Deposits | Roger Pollok |
August 2016 | Annual Show and Tell | NMS members and guests |
September 2016 | Fluorite: The Fourth Mineral | Andrew Sicree / Arvid Pasto |
October 2016 | A Geological Tour of California – Los Angeles to San Francisco | Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr. |
November 2016 | The Rogue Kimberlite Dikes in Indiana County, Pennsylvania | Dr. David P. (Duff) Gold and others |
December 2016 | Holiday Dinner | dinner at Quaker Steak & Lube |
| | |
January 2017 | Establishing the Foundation for Rhyolite Sourcing of Native American Artifacts | Dr. Barry E. Scheetz, Dr. Tim Murtha and Gregory H. Bondar |
February 2017 | "Where's the Lead?" at Fort Roberdeau | George Pedlow |
March 2017 | Most everything you wanted to know about The Rancho La Brea Tar Pits and George C. Page Museum, Los Angeles, California | Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr. |
April 1 | Junior Education Day (22nd) | |
April 2017 | Applications of Mineralogy to Archaeology: Part IV. Visions of the Past | Dr. Barry E. Scheetz, Zachary Nelson, Guillermo Mata Amado and Antonio Prado |
May 2017 | The Curiosity Rover at Gale Crater, insights from a New Member of the Mars Science Laboratory Mission | Dr. Christopher House |
August 2017 | Annual Show and Tell | NMS members and guests |
September 2017 | Nicholas Steno, founder of Mineralogy | Dr. Andrew Sicree |
October 2017 | From the Drake Well to the Marcellus Shale: A Story of Science and Technology | Mike Canich |
November 2017 | Iceland: A Geological Tour | Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr. |
December 2017 | Holiday Dinner | dinner at Quaker Steak & Lube |
| | |
January 2018 | Selected Topics in mineral and fossil collecting | Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr. |
February 2018 | A Historical Perspective of X-ray Techniques for Quantitative (and Qualitative)
Analysis and the Foundations of Electron Microscopy | Dr. Katherine L. Crispin |
March 2018 | The Iron Ores of Kish Valley | Paul T. Fagley |
April 7 | Junior Education Day (23rd) | |
April 2018 | Space Debris, Part 1: Rock Samples from Space | Fred Marschak |
May 2018 | Space Debris, Part 2: Asteroids and Comets: Dark Threats | Dr. David P. (Duff) Gold |
August 2018 | Annual Show and Tell | NMS members and guests |
September 2018 | The 1974 Penn State Cross-Country Geology Field Trip | Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr. |
October 2018 | Serpentinites and Associated Minerals on the Eastern Flank of the Berkshire Massif near
Westfield, Massachusetts | Dr. Robert Altamura |
November 2018 | Geology, scenery and natural history of New Zealand | Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr. |
December 2018 | Holiday Dinner | dinner at Quaker Steak & Lube |
| | |
January 2019 | Fluorescent Minerals of Pennsylvania | James Van Fleet |
February 2019 | meeting cancelled due to snowstorm | |
March 2019 | Rock-magnetic cyclostratigraphy and the encoding of global environmental change in sediments:
Examples and applications from the Newark Basin, the Calvert Cliffs, and the Italian Apennines | Dr. Frank J. Pazzaglia |
March 30 | Minerals Junior Education Day (24th) | |
April 2019 | Mineral Fluorescence: From Whence Comes the Light? | Dr. William B. White |
May 2019 | A Quarter-Century of Nittany Mineralogical Society | David Glick |
August 2019 | Annual Show and Tell | NMS members and guests |
September 2019 | Central Pennsylvania during and following the Pleistocene Ice Age | Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr. |
October 2019 | National Fossil Day™ program: Fossils in Central Pennsylvania and the World – What
they are and how we use them | Paul D. Zell |
November 2019 | NASA Curiousity Rover... Seven Years of Exploration of an Ancient Martian Lake | Dr. Christopher H. House |
December 2019 | Holiday Dinner | dinner at Quaker Steak & Lube |
| | |
January 2020 | Marcellus Shale Gas Well Drilling and Wellsite Geology | Steve Clark, P.G. |
February 2020 | Geology of the State College area | Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr. |
March 2020 | meeting cancelled due to COVID-19 | |
March | Minerals Junior Education Day cancelled -COVID-19 | |
April 2020 | meeting cancelled due to COVID-19 | |
May 2020 | Fluorite, the Fourth Mineral (online video) | Dr. Andrew Sicree |
summer 2020 | Nicolaus Steno, the most important scientist you've never heard
of (the father of mineralogy, crystallography, geology, and paleontology)
(online video) | Dr. Andrew Sicree |
August 2020 | Annual Show and Tell (online) | NMS members and guests |
September 2020 | Bumblebee Rock (trade name: “Bumblebee Jasper”): A relatively trendy lapidary material (online)
| Dr. Bob Altamura |
October 2020 | Earth Science can be fun (online) | Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr. |
November 2020 | Making the Case for Celestine as the Pennsylvania State Mineral (online) | Dr. Peter J. Heaney |
December 2020 | Spherical Structures In Rhyolite (online) | Daniel Bontempo |
| | |
January 2021 | Dinosaurs of Pennsylvania: What we know about them and their neighbors (online) | Dr. Steven E. Jasinski |
February 2021 | Caves and Karst: The Crossroads of the Geosciences (online) | Dr. George Veni |
March 2021 | Gembone: Gem Dinosaur Bone (online) | Daniel Bontempo |
April 2021 | Start to Finish: The Process of Mining to Selling New Mexico Thundereggs (online) | Lori Lytle Coleman |
May 2021 | Evolution of a Fossil – Arthrophycus alleghaniensis: The story of the Jointed Seaweed (online) |
Paul Fagley |
August 2021 | Annual Show and Tell (online) | NMS members and guests |
September 2021 | Iris Agates and Cantor Dusts: The Textural Complexity of Agates (online) | Dr. Peter J. Heaney |
October 2021 | A History of the New Jersey Zinc Operations in the Palmerton Area | Dru Germanoski, PhD, PG |
November 2021 | Tuxedo Agate & Fischer Stones: A nod to George W. Fischer | Daniel Bontempo |
December 2021 | Holiday Dinner | dinner at Quaker Steak & Lube |
| | |
January 2022 | The Seven Metals of Antiquity That Forged the Modern World (online) |
Paul Fagley |
February 2022 | Applied Paleontology (online) | Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr. |
March 2022 | Geode Night | Jeff Smith |
April 2022 | Landscapes and Geology of Pennsylvania:
A Portrait of the Commonwealth (online) | Dr. Robert Altamura |
May 2022 | Pennsylvania Caves: A Geological Overview (online) | Dr. William B. White |
August 2022 | Annual Show and Tell (online) | NMS members and guests |
September 2022 | Flintknapping 101 (online) | Ken Burton |
October 2022 | The 1975 Volcanics Cross-Country Geology Field Trip | Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr. |
November 2022 | Magnetism and Minerals | Dr. Andrew Sicree |
December 2022 | Holiday Dinner | dinner at Quaker Steak & Lube |
| | |
January 2023 | Organic Molecules on Mars - Recent Progress on an Old Problem | Dr. Christopher House |
February 2023 | A Modernized Stratigraphic Framework: Revising and Reconciling Stratigraphy Across Pennsylvania (online) | Hailey Filippeli |
March 2023 | Geode Night (online) | Jeff Smith |
March 25 | Minerals Junior Education Day (25th) | |
April 2023 | How to study an Asteroid: Penn State's role in NASA's OSIRIS-REx Mission (online) | Dr. Kate Freeman |
May 2023 | Diamonds - the four Cs of diamond grading -and-
A new mineral museum | Dr. Andrew Sicree |
August 2023 | Annual Show and Tell (online) | NMS members and guests |
September 2023 | Life in the Cambrian: What controlled diversity in earth's earliest complex ecosystems?
| Kayla Irizarry, Mark Patzkowsky, and Kimberly Lau |
October 2023 | Geology Field Excursions in Central Pennsylvania | Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr. |
November 2023 | Applying Non-traditional stable isotopes to traditional Geological Problems (online) |
Adam Ianno |
December 2023 | Holiday Dinner | dinner at Quaker Steak & Lube |
| | |
January 2024 | Celebrating 30 Years of Nittany Mineralogical Society History (online) | David Glick and NMS members |
February 2024 | Coast to Coast: A 100 day Adventure (online) | Mike Canich |
March 2024 | Geode Night | Jeff Smith |
March 23 | Minerals Junior Education Day (26th) | |
April 2024 | A Geologist's Trip to Antarctica (online) | Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr. |
May 2024 | Pennsylvania Iron Slag: From Trash to (Potential) Treasure | Dr. Maureen Feineman, Dr. Isabel Fendley, and Dr. Joshua Garber |
August 2024 | Annual Show and Tell | NMS members and visitors |
September 2024 | The Colorado Plateau and "The Grand Staircase" | Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr. |
October 2024 | Incognitum, Mastodon, Frankenstein! The rocky relationship between science
and the American Mastodon | Dr. Chris Widga |
November 2024 | Reconsidering the Ordovician, Ancient Landscapes, and the Elusively Enigmatic
Juniata Formation in Central Pennsylvania | Dr. Jesse D. Thornburg |
December 2024 | Holiday Dinner | dinner at Quaker Steak & Lube |