The Nittany Lion looks out from a 
Central Pennsylvania doubly terminated quartz crystal.  Artwork © John Passaneau.
Nittany Mineralogical Society, Inc.
State College, Pennsylvania

Eastern Federation of Mineralogical and Lapidary Societies logo

American Federation of Mineralogical Societies logo
Your local non-profit mineral, gem and rock club
generally meets the third Wednesday of each month, August through May.

Starting with the January 15 meeting, we will meet at the Centre LifeLink EMS building, off Puddintown Road near College Avenue, State College. See a Google Map. Geode Night, 6:00 p.m. on Wed. March 19 2025, will be held at Boal Hall as in past years.

All are welcome to attend our meetings!
Parents must provide supervision of minors.

Mineral collectors and rockhounds, earth scientists and dinosaur lovers will all enjoy our activities.

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Field Trips Junior Rockhounds Meetings Minerals Junior Education Day

February 19th meeting:
Forensic hydrogeology and more:
Chronicles of a hydrogeologist
by Dr. Charles E. Miller, Jr.

at Centre LifeLink EMS building,

off Puddintown Road near College Avenue, State College PA 16801. (map)

   7:00 to 7:45 p.m.: Social “hour,” refreshments
   7:45 to 8:00 p.m.: Announcements, door prizes, sales
   about 8:00 p.m.: featured program

The event has free admission, free refreshments and free parking at the door, and is open to all; parents/guardians must provide supervision of minors.

This month's talk discusses projects the author worked on as a state hydrogeologist. These involved mining permits and water investigations for coal and noncoal (sand and gravel, topsoil, flagstone/bluestone, and limestone) operations. Water investigations are examples of forensic hydrogeology - i.e., using geoenvironmental science to provide data. Each investigation is a "whodunnit." The consistent question is: "Who affected my water?" Hydrogeological techniques, observations, and interpretations are akin to strategies and clues used in mystery stories.

See the illustrated article in the February issue of the NMS Bulletin.

Some online presentations of interest:
From NMS:
Videos of many of our programs since 2020 are available here.


From other sources:

Jeri Jones' Zoom Rock Room: Weekly Zoom geology presentations, mostly related to Pennsylvania. Go to and in the top menu click on 'Zoom Rock Room', where you can register to be included.

The staff of the Penn State Earth & Mineral Sciences Museum and Art Gallery maintains a Facebook page. They also have videos on YouTube:
Museum Gallery Tour:

National Fossil Day October 16, 2024
Earth Science Week October 13-19
The National Park Service's National Fossil Day was Wednesday, October 16, in the middle of Earth Science Week, October 13 - 19, 2024, celebrating the theme "Earth Science Everywhere." Educational materials are available.

Videos of the 2020 Dallas Mineral Collecting Symposium are still available by following the links at

With thanks for many of these to AFMS April 2020 Newsletter and Three Rivers Gem & Mineral Society of Fort Wayne Indiana's The Strata Data newsletter.
Smithsonian Scroll down to see the tips before starting a tour.
Yale - Peabody Museum of Natural History Via Rock & Gem magazine web site (thanks go to them); scroll down to find the image that links to the tour.
South Dakota School of Mines & Technology - Mosasaur at Museum of Geology Scroll down to 'YouTube Playlist"
Houston Museum of Natural Science Dinosaurs!
Rice Northwest Museum of Rocks & Minerals
Society of Mineral Museum Professionals (SMMP) Curator's Pick Gallery Curators choose their favorite specimens. Hosted by Mindat.
SMMP Wulfenite Gallery
Geology of the National Parks Penn State GEOSC 10 virtual field trips
American Southwest Virtual Museum
Virtual Museum of Minerals and Molecules Click on Displays at upper right
Davidson Institute of Science Education, of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, has links to several more museum virtual tours worldwide, including natural history museums.
Podcast of GEOL-101 type lectures (podcasts #1 to 28). Videos linked from the web site also; all by Nick Zentner of Central Washington University.

For additional current news see our NMS Bulletin (link at top of sidebar at left).

T-shirts in Galapagos Blue and Texas Orange
NMS has in stock T-shirts in Galapagos blue, Texas orange (both shown here) and royal blue.

A station at our Minerals Junior Education Day
A station at our Minerals Junior Education Day

Celestine crystal cluster 2020: CELESTINE: Pennsylvania State Mineral?
See also Nov. 2020 Bulletin.

Collecting in a quarry
Collecting crystals in a quarry

Five different posters
We have NMS posters for sale!

©2025 Nittany Mineralogical Society, Inc.      Main page last modified 13 February 2025      webmaster